The (Complex) State of Meta in the WordPress REST API

One of the other discussion points in our recent API meeting was the state of meta in the REST API. We recently made the somewhat-controversial decision to remove generic meta handling from the API. As we didn’t have time to get into the specifics in the meeting, I wanted to expand on exactly what we’re doing here, and our future plans.1

WordPress has four different types of meta: post meta, comment meta, term meta, and user meta. These broadly act the same, so for simplicity’s sake, I’ll be grouping them together as just “meta”.

Meta also falls into two broad groups: plugin data, and user input. The distinction here is that plugin meta is set by a plugin programmatically, whereas user input is set via the Custom Fields metabox. These are broad categorisations, but the general difference is that plugin meta tends to be “protected” (typically prefixed with an underscore), whereas user input meta is any sort of freeform name (and occasionally no name at all).

Solution for Plugin Data

Right now, there is a viable solution for plugins to handle meta through the REST API: register_rest_field(). This function allows registering extra fields on a resource (like a post) and handling them in your own code.

For example, let’s say we have a plugin that adds “featured emoji” to a post, which saves a string of emoji characters for a post. We already have a metabox for this in the admin, and now we want to expose it via the API. This is super easy:

register_rest_field( 'post', 'featured_emoji', array(
    'get_callback' => function ( $data ) {
        return get_post_meta( $data['id'], '_featured_emoji', true );
    'update_callback' => function ( $value, $post ) {
        // TODO: sanitize and validate this field better
        $value = sanitize_text_field( $value );

        update_post_meta( $post->ID, '_featured_emoji', wp_slash( $value ) );
    'schema' => array(
        'description' => __( 'Featured emoji for the post to add a little flavour.', 'femoji' ),
        'type' => 'string',
        'context' => array( 'view', 'edit' ),

Solution for Custom Fields

User input meta is also handled, using the generic meta API. This is the /wp/v2/posts/{id}/meta route in the API, which is the route that was recently pulled out of the API plugin itself.

This route is practically only useful for replicating the Custom Fields metabox in the post editor and is not generally useful for plugins and themes. In fact, the endpoints have feature parity with the Custom Fields metabox and the same rules around visibility: if it appears in the metabox, it appears in the API (and vice versa).

Why Separate Solutions?

You may be wondering why we can’t use the same solution for both groups of meta. There are a number of complex issues here, but the key issue is that we cannot reliably separate the two groups. Unlike custom types (post types, taxonomies), meta doesn’t have to be registered before use. This is super handy most of the time, but also means that meta is a bit of a minefield. This leads to surprising behaviour for API users: plugin meta is (mostly) not available via the /meta endpoint.

Protected Meta

The _ prefix is used throughout WordPress to indicate that a field is “protected”. Unfortunately, exactly what “protected” means is usually undefined, but the one thing it reliably indicates is that the key shouldn’t be exposed through the Custom Fields metabox. As the /meta endpoint is designed to mirror the metabox, we don’t expose protected meta via the endpoints. This means that this endpoint isn’t useful for many plugins.

You can, however, whitelist individual keys by filtering is_protected_meta. This allows exposing plugin data via this standard meta API; for example, to expose WooCommerce’s _price field:

add_filter( 'is_protected_meta', function ( $protected, $key, $type ) {
    if ( $type === 'post' && $key === '_price' ) {
        // Expose the `_price` meta value publicly
        return true;
    return $protected;
}, 10, 3 );

This can be somewhat confusing though, because protected meta is still not exposed if it falls into one of a few other categories. In addition, it will now appear in the Custom Fields metabox as well.

Complex Values & Serialized Data

One of the categories of meta we can’t expose is serialized data. This applies regardless of whether the meta field is marked as protected or not. This is potentially surprising to plugin authors who might be explicitly whitelisting their meta field for the API, and yet it still isn’t exposed. The key reason for this is that accepting serialized data is either lossy or unsafe.

To understand why serialized data is unsafe, we need to look at what serialized data actually is. At its core, serialization is a way to pack complex data into simple data, in this case a string. We need to include enough data to reverse the process to ensure the process is lossless. The PHP serialization format encodes the two pieces of data that a variable contains: the type, and the value. For simple scalar values, the scalar type itself is encoded: integers become i:val;, such as i:42;; strings become s:size:value; such as s:3:foo;, etc. Arrays are encoded in a more complex way, as they need to encode the type (array), size, keys, and values: this is encoded as a:size:{key;value} where key is a serialized scalar value and value is any serialized value. For example, array('foo' => 42) serializes to a:1:{s:3:"foo";i:42;}.

Objects are slightly more complex, because the “type” itself is complex and includes the class. The format is very similar to arrays (as objects are essentially just the property array), but with the a type replaced with O:classnamelength:classname as the type. This gives a value like O:16:"WP_HTTP_Response":3:{s:4:"data";N;s:7:"headers";a:0:{}s:6:"status";i:200;}.2

The object type is where the problems with serialized meta arise. When a serialized value is unserialized, these classes are instantiated, and the __wakeup() method on the class is executed if it exists. Because of this, allowing serialized data to be saved allows remote code execution by the client saving the data. For example, if an attacker finds a class (and you only need one) with a __wakeup method, they can execute that code by submitting serialized data. Alternatively, if a class assumes that one of its properties is safe to run eval on, or to pass into the database directly, this can be exploited too.

This may sound a bit daft, but this is not a theoretical bug. YAML supports deserializing data into Ruby objects with --- !ruby/hash:classname. This wasn’t generally seen as an issue until it was discovered that a specific ActionDispatch object in Ruby on Rails was running eval on one of its properties. As a result, every Rails site was vulnerable to arbitrary code execution, which is one of the worst classes of bugs.

Serialized objects are not inherently dangerous, but they massively increase the attack surface of the API. Exposing serialized objects as read-only is almost a potential privacy issue, as it leaks internal implementation details (class names). For these reasons, we made a calculated decision not to allow serialized data.

One potential solution to allowing complex data is to convert it to JSON-native data. The issue with this is that JSON-encoding data is lossy. PHP objects will be converted down to a generic JSON object, and associative arrays and object data cannot be distinguished. Additionally, PHP doesn’t distinguish between numerically-indexed arrays (JSON lists) and associative arrays (JSON objects). These issues mean that simply sending back the object you received will cause data loss.

For these reasons, we can’t support serialized data in the API via any endpoints, including meta and a future options endpoint.3


As a result of most meta not being registered, the permissions area is a bit sketchy. While the add_post_meta, edit_post_meta and delete_post_meta meta-capbilities exist, there’s no similar meta-capability for reading post meta. This is the key reason meta is only available while authenticated, as we need to instead fall back to edit_post.

This again is a result of user input meta and plugin data not being clearly defined. In a very early version of the API, user input meta was exposed by default, until it was noted that users often use these fields for internal notes and workflow. (Despite this, the_meta() template tag exists to output these fields on the frontend.)

In addition, plugins adding meta have no fine-grained controls over meta field access. While write capabilities can be controlled precisely, whether someone can read the meta fields depends on how they’re used and can be inconsistent.

Making It All Better

So, how do we fix all of this? A while ago we talked about loosening the rules, but it turned out this wasn’t viable without core changes to WordPress. During the hackday for A Day of REST a few weeks ago, one of the groups took on this issue and came up with a plan. Key to this plan is changing core to support better meta registration.4

These changes to core should improve meta usage not just in the REST API, but also across the board for the rest of core and plugins. This also helps to lay some of the groundwork and low-level infrastructure for the fields API in a future version of WordPress.5 Expanding this out allows better tooling around meta as well; for example, we may be able to clean up metadata for deactivated plugins if meta is registered consistently.

As tooling and infrastructure develops around meta fields (including the fields API), this may allow us to solve the complex data issues as well. Being able to explicitly say that a field contains a list of strings (e.g.) would allow us to safely expose the values, and avoid potential data loss from JSON serialisation.

These changes will take time to finalise and execute, and it will be a while until the ecosystem fully adopts these changes. In the meantime though, we’d like to ship a REST API. Without these changes, we don’t have the ability to automatically expose plugin meta, however plugins can already register their fields manually, and future changes would simply provide better tools for developers.

We believe it’s in the WordPress project’s best interest to ship what we have and continue to iterate as we make these changes. Holding back the rest of the API for completion’s sake benefits nobody.

Thank you to the Meta Team at A Day of REST for volunteering to tackle this complex issue, and for their comprehensive discussion and planning. Thanks also to Brian Krogsgard for proofreading, and to Daniel Bachhuber, Joe Hoyle, and Rachel Baker for being generally awesome.

  1. We also had to gloss over exactly how progressive enhancement works, so I fleshed this out in a recent post if you missed it. []
  2. Objects implementing the Serializable interface instead use C: instead of O:, but these are not supported by WordPress for historical reasons. []
  3. “What about XML-RPC?” you may ask. The XML-RPC API only allows reading serialized meta, which is a minor privacy issue as it may expose internal implementation but is not a security issue. However, since serialized meta can’t be saved via the XML-RPC API, attempting to write the data you just read for a field will cause it to be saved double-encoded, which means it’s lossy. []
  4. Did you know there’s a system in core to register meta? I didn’t before we tackled this problem in the API, and that’s a key part of the problem. []
  5. This “groundwork” consists of expanding the scope of register_meta to take arbitrary parameters similar to register_post_type, plus promoting register_meta and making sure people know it actually exists. []

3 thoughts on “The (Complex) State of Meta in the WordPress REST API

  1. Thanks for the info. This has been really helpful on a number of levels.

    One small note:
    In the code sample for protected meta, you have the function returning `true` for the `_price` field, but, as far as I can tell, that would actually protect the field; I believe the function should return `false` in order to unprotect it.

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