Fun side project of the day: a PSR-3 compatible logging panel for the awesome WordPress Debug Bar. Check it out. I’d love to get some feedback on it and improve it!
Introducing WP API
As many of you are aware, I was accepted into Google’s Summer of Code program this year to work on a JSON REST API for WordPress. WordPress already has internal APIs for manipulating data via the admin-ajax.php
handler in addition to the XML-RPC API. However, XML can be a huge pain to both safely create and parse, and the existing admin API is locked down to authenticated users and is also tailored to the admin interface. The goal of this project is to create a general data API that speaks the common language of the web and uses easily parsable data.
I’d now like to introduce the official repository and issue tracker. There’s also the SVN repository which is kept in sync.
For the next few months, my schedule will be busy implementing the API. Each week from now through the final submission has an individual plan, presented below.
May 27: Acceptance of Project, ensure up-to-speed on existing code
June 3: Work on design documents (response types/collections) and ensure agreement with mentors and interested parties (#264)
June 10: Complete core post type serialisation/deserialisation (basic reading/writing of raw data complete) (#265)
June 17: Work on collection pagination and metadata infrastructure (the full collection of posts can now be accessed and is correctly paginated, allowing for browsing via the API) (#266)
June 24: Creation of main collection views (main post archive, per date, search) (#267)
July 1: Further work on indexes and browsability (#268)
July 8: Create (independent) REST API unit tests for all endpoints covered so far (#269)
July 15: Creation of a Backbone.js example client for testing (#270)
July 22: Spare week to act as a buffer, since some tasks may take longer than expected
July 29: Midterm evaluation!
August 5: Creation/porting of existing generic post type API with page-specific data (#271)
August 12: Creation of attachment-related API (uploading and management) (#272)
August 19: Creation of revision API, and extending the post API to expose revisions (#273, #274)
August 26: Creation of term and taxonomy API (#275)
September 2: Finalisation of term and taxonomy API, and updating of test clients (#276)
September 9: Final testing with example clients (especially with various proxies and in live environments) and security review (#277)
September 15: Spare week for buffer
September 22: Final checking for bugs and preparation for final submission
At the end of each week throughout development, I’ll post a weekly update and tag a new release version, in a manner similar to the release process of MP6. The first release of the API will be posted shortly.
For those looking to keep track of development, I’ll be posting about the API here, which you can follow via the feed. A GSoC P2 is on its way and will be the official place to post comments and feedback (I’ll be crossposting back to here once that’s up). In the mean time, I’ll be posting on this blog and accepting comments here, which is a great way to ask questions and post feedback.
A Vagrant and the Puppet Master: Part 1
In my development workflow, my tools are the thing I deliberate over most. As anyone who follows me on Twitter can attest to, I’m a huge fan of Git and Sublime Text, and conversely I hate Subversion and PhpStorm. I genuinely believe that my tools can make or break how I work and I’m always looking to improve this, constantly searching out for new tools.
By far and away, the tool that has changed how I work the most in the past year is Vagrant with the Puppet configuration tool. For those who don’t know, Vagrant is a tool to create and manage virtual machines, while Puppet is a tool to configure and manage server configuration. The two work extremely well together as a tool for developing in a clean, reproducible environment. Plus, it also provides an easy way to replicate server configuration between your development and production servers.
So, how does it work? Let’s walk through how to set up a development server, plus using that configuration in production!
The first step to getting started is to work out what operating system you want to use. Personally, I’m a fan of Ubuntu Server (12.04 LTS, Precise Pangolin, to be specific), so I’ll be using that in examples, but you can use whatever you like. Some official boxes are available for Ubuntu, while others are available on (you can also build your own, but until you’re familiar with Vagrant, I’d recommend using a premade box).
To start off with, you’ll want to download your chosen box to avoid having to redownload it every time you recreate your box.
$ vagrant box precise32
Next up, you want to create your Vagrant configuration and get ready to boot it up. This will create a Vagrantfile in your current directory, so set yourself up a new directory where all your Vagrant-related stuff will live.
$ mkdir example-site/ $ cd example-site/ $ vagrant init precise32
Now, let’s boot up your new virtual machine and make sure it works. The up
command will create a virtual machine from your base box if you don’t already have one, boot it, then provision it for usage. We’ll come back to that part in a bit.
$ vagrant up
To get access to your new (running) virtual machine, you’ll want SSH access. If you’re on Linux/Mac, vagrant ssh
will work perfectly, but it’s a little harder on Windows. Vagrant tries to detect if your system supports command-line SSH, but doesn’t detect Cygwin environments. For cross-platform parity, I set up an alias called vsh
that points to vagrant ssh
on my Mac, and the SSH command on Windows, which looks something like:
# Mac/Linux $ alias vsh='vagrant ssh' # Windows $ alias vsh='ssh -p 2222 -i "~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key" vagrant@'
We’re done testing our basic setup, so we can shut our VM down and destroy it, since we’ll want to boot from scratch next time.
$ vagrant destroy
We’ve now verified that the virtual machine works nicely, so let’s bust open your Vagrantfile and get tweaking it. Networking is the first thing we’ll need to get set up, so that we can access our server. Vagrant automatically forwards port 22 from the VM to port 2222 locally so that we can connect, but we also need port 80 for nginx, and we might need more later. We can either set up separate forwarded ports, or enable private networking (my preferred option). Uncomment the private networking line to enable it: :private_network, ip: ""
This IP address can be whatever you want, but you need to make sure it’s not covered by your existing network’s subnet. This is usually fine unless you have a custom subnet, in which case 10.x.x.x
might be a better choice.
You’ll also want to set up a hostname for this. In your /etc/hosts
file (on Windows, C:WindowsSystem32driversetchosts
), point vagrant.local
to this IP, along with any subdomains you may want. (Note: I’ve seen people use other names here like
. Keep in mind that these may end up being actual domain names some day with ICANN’s new TLD policy, whereas .local
is reserved for exactly this use.) vagrant.local
We’ve now got a working Vagrant setup. In part 2, we’ll take a look at setting up Puppet to get your software working automatically.
Editing Commits With Git
As developers who use GitHub, we use and love pull requests. But what happens when you only want part of a pull request?
Let’s say, for example, that we have a pull request with three commits. Unfortunately, the pull request’s author accidentally used spaces instead of tabs in the second commit, so we want to fix this up before we pull it in.
The main tool we’re going to use here is interactive rebasing. Rebasing is a way to rewrite your git repository’s history, so you should never use it on code that you’ve pushed up. However, since we’re bringing in new code, it’s perfectly fine to do this. The PR’s author may need to reset their repository, but their changes should be on separate branches to avoid this.
So, let’s get started. First, follow GitHub’s first two instructions to merge (click the little i
next to the Merge Pull Request button):
git checkout -b otheruser-master master
git pull master
Now that we have our repository up-to-date with theirs, it’s time to rewrite history. We want to rebase (rewrite) the last three commits, so we specify the range as HEAD~3
git rebase -i HEAD~3
This puts us into the editor to change the rebase history. It should look like this:
pick c6ffde3 Point out how obvious it is
pick 9686795 We're proud of our little file!
pick a712c2c Add another file.
There are a number of commands we can pick here. For us, we want to leave the first and last unchanged, so we’ll keep those as pick
. However, we want to edit the second commit, so we’ll change pick
to edit
there. Saving the file then spits us back out to the terminal. It’ll also tell us that when we’re done, we should run git commit --amend
and git rebase --continue
Internally, what this does is replay all the commits up until the one with edit
. After it replays that commit, it pauses and waits for us to continue it.
Now, we can go and edit the file. Make the changes you need here, then as it told us, it’s time to make amends:
git commit --amend
This merges the changes you just made with the previous commit (the one with the misspelling) into a new commit. Once we’ve done that, we need to continue the rebase, as all the commits after this one have to be rewritten to point to our new one in the history.
git rebase --continue
Our history rewriting is now done! It’s now time to merge it back in to master
, push up our changes and close the pull request. First we’ll need to switch back to master, then we can merge and push.
git checkout master
git merge otheruser-master master
git push
Congratulations, you just (re)wrote history!
For those of you who want to try this, I’ve made a test repository for you to work on. Try it out and see if you can fix it yourself!
Thanks to Japh for asking the question that inspired this post!
Introduction to Git + Using Git With WordPress
I spoke tonight at the Brisbane WordPress meetup about Git basics, moving up to more advanced Git usage, and using Git with WordPress. A recording with audio is coming soon, but in the meantime, here are my slides.
I’d love any feedback on this!
Drinking From the Firehose
For those who follow me on Twitter, you’d know that I recently attended the WordPress Community Summit. (If you’re expecting a long blog post on the summit, you must be new to my blog. 😉 ) One of the suggestions that came up was to subscribe to the WP-Trac mailing list. This list gets a copy of every comment and change (except attachments) on Trac tickets, and is the a great way to follow activity on WordPress, since you get to see every issue change that happens.
However, following this activity comes with a giant downside: there is a lot of activity on Trac, so it can be hard to keep track of all the things going on; for this reason, it’s commonly called drinking from the firehose1 CC-ing yourself on a ticket (or getting auto-CC’d when you comment) is a great way of getting informed of any changes to it, but if you’re drinking from the firehose, this becomes fairly useless: either you get two copies of each change, or you only get one and CC-ing does nothing.
Thankfully, with a little Thunderbird magic, I’ve come up with an optimal solution: CC’d emails come through to my main email address, while the mailing list is sent through to my firehose email account. I then set up a Thunderbird filter to move the message from my main email to the firehose account, and apply a “CC’d” label to it. Thunderbird merges the messages, since they have the same message ID, then applies the label to the merged message. I can check at a glance and see what’s important to me, while still retaining the ability to follow the project as a whole.

For those of you who want to get involved more in WordPress, I’d definitely recommend this. Already I’ve noticed more stuff that interests me, and it’s fairly minimal effort to go through the messages.2
- I’m personally not sure where the phrase comes from. Wiktionary notes the usage of the phrase in 2004 with relation to technology, however I’m fairly certain the phrase itself comes from UHF. [↩]
- It might seem like a lot of messages, but most of the messages are triaging, or comments along the same thread. Once you’ve got the gist of the ticket, you can fairly safely delete the entire thread without needing to read the minutia of the implementation. [↩]
Why WP_Error Sucks
Anyone who has seen me talk in the #wordpress-dev IRC room will know that I’m
not a huge fan of WP_Error
. However, for some insane reason, some people are.
I figured it’s probably time to explain why WP_Error
sucks, and what we can do
about it.
Conception of WP_Error
Back in the days of WordPress 2.0, errors were handled by returning false from
WordPress functions, or occasionally error strings. For 2.1, it was decided
to change this to returning an error object instead. This error object gave the
ability to indicate an error had occurred, but still include information with
the error that could be used programmatically, or as a user-friendly message.
Given the context of its conception, WP_Error
was a great idea; it gave the
easy ability to pass data regarding errors around while still noting that it
was an error, rather than actual data.
State of the Error
Currently, most WordPress functions return a WP_Error
object if something goes
wrong. Based on what I wrote just before, this might seem like an awesome idea.
However, imagine what happens if I have a helper function:
/** * Retrieve and decode JSON data from a URL */ function rmccue_my_http_helper($url) { $response = wp_remote_get($url); if (is_wp_error($response)) { return $response; } return json_decode($response['body']); }
This might seem fine, but note that we have to handle WP_Error differently here.
Errors give no useful information to this function, so we could just return
false. However, this deprives the caller function of the ability to find out
about the error.
For an example of when this becomes unwieldy, let’s look at what happens when
the above function gets used:
/** * Get current message from API */ function rmccue_get_api_msg() { $data = rmccue_my_http_helper(''); if (is_wp_error($data)) { return $data; } return $data['apidata']['messages']['latest']; } /** * Output result to header */ function rmccue_output_message() { $message = rmccue_get_api_msg(); if (is_wp_error($message)) { echo $message->get_error_message(); } else { echo $message; } }
Note that we now have three places where we’re checking if we got an error
back, but only one place where that check is actually useful (i.e. when we
output it).
Even worse than this is when developers forget to check for errors (I’ll admit,
I’ve been guilty of this many times). Suddenly, they’re trying to use a
object as an array or an integer, and PHP will fail, or worse, give
garbage output.
I Take Exception to That!
As anyone who has worked with WordPress knows, WordPress supported PHP 4 for a
long time, even after many other projects had switched. The advantage of this
was supporting significantly more hosts, with most PHP 5-only features either
not being needed or being easy to reimplement.
One of the new features added to PHP in PHP 5 was exception handling. For those
who aren’t aware of it, exception handling is a way to indicate an error and
have it handled at an appropriate place without having to check values
constantly. This might sound familiar to you: isn’t this what WP_Error
intended to solve?
The answer is yes, but not quite. WP_Error
is essentially the poor man’s
exception. Unlike WP_Error
, the basic idea of exceptions is that you only
worry about errors where they actually matter and lower-level functions can
forget about needing them. Exceptions continue up the call stack until they’ve
been caught, when they can then be handled as necessary.
This might seem a bit confusing, so here’s what our previous example would look
like if we used exceptions instead (assuming wp_remote_get()
threw a
/** * Retrieve and decode JSON data from a URL */ function rmccue_my_http_helper($url) { $response = wp_remote_get($url); return json_decode($response['body']); } /** * Get current message from API */ function rmccue_get_api_msg() { $data = rmccue_my_http_helper(''); return $data['apidata']['messages']['latest']; } /** * Output result to header */ function rmccue_output_message() { try { $message = rmccue_get_api_msg(); echo $message; } catch (WP_Exception $exception) { echo $exception->get_error_message(); } }
See the difference? Instead of having to check at every level for exceptions, we
can now just let the exception pass up to somewhere that matters.
How does this work? In this case: if wp_remote_get()
throws an exception, this
is passed up to rmccue_my_http_helper()
. There’s no try ... catch
in this
function, so we continue up the callstack, through rmccue_get_api_msg()
we hit the try ... catch
in rmccue_output_message()
. Here, we catch the
exception and handle it as appropriate.
Exceptions also provide valuable context for developers. Rather than having to
check all the places where the error could have occurred, every exception
includes a traceback; that is, the entire callstack up until when the exception
was thrown. This gives you an easy way to see where an error occurred and makes
debugging much easier.
How We Can Start Using Exceptions Now
Although WordPress doesn’t use exceptions internally, you can already start
using them. For example, Renku uses them internally to save on a lot of
The basic concept of using exceptions in your code is simple: whenever you get
a WP_Error
object, convert it to an exception. In our above example, this
would mean handling it in rmccue_my_http_helper()
, but we’d no longer have to handle it inbetween.
Here’s what the above would look like:
/** * Retrieve and decode JSON data from a URL */ function rmccue_my_http_helper($url) { $response = wp_remote_get($url); if (is_wp_error($response)) { throw new Exception($response->get_error_message(), $response->get_error_code()) } return json_decode($response['body']); }
Here, we convert the WP_Error
to an exception as soon as possible, allowing us
to skip most of the extra handling in our code.
What About Core?
Unfortunately, exceptions don’t appear to be getting into core any time soon.
Some of the core developers are very against exceptions (for reasons I can’t
completely comprehend). One of the arguments made against using exceptions in
core was the possibility of confusing theme developers. I’d actually make the
counter-argument that WP_Error
is more confusing to theme developers. Having
to check at every possible stage if a result is_wp_error()
is much more
confusing and is not something that theme developers are necessarily going to
Another of the issues I’ve heard raised is that of the fatal nature of
exceptions. Any exceptions that haven’t been caught by the time they get to the
top-level are handled by a default exception handler, or failing that, cause a
fatal error. The solution for WordPress is easy: firstly, add a default
exception handler that uses wp_die()
, much like the existing handling for
fatal errors; secondly, add a try ... catch
. Most plugins run the majority of their code
inside actions/filters, so this would ensure that any exceptions would only
cause that specific callback to fail. This would keep WordPress running with
minimal interruptions to the existing workflow.
The only issue that I can see is one of backwards compatibility. The best way to
deal with that would be to announce that exceptions will be used in two releases
time (for example), and to encourage developers to switch to it. WP_Error
could immediately be changed to extend WP_Exception
(which would in turn
extend Exception
). This would give the ability for proactive plugin developers
to switch easily. For example, our HTTP helper function:
/** * Retrieve and decode JSON data from a URL */ function rmccue_my_http_helper($url) { $response = wp_remote_get($url); if (is_wp_error($response)) { if (class_exists('WP_Exception') && $response instanceof WP_Exception) { throw $response; } else { throw new Exception($response->get_error_message(), $response->get_error_code()) } } return json_decode($response['body']); }
This would give complete forward and backward compatibility for these plugins
and enable a smooth transition to exceptions.
So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and use exceptions!
Optimising WP E-Commerce’s SQL
As part of my most recent project (which you’ll be hearing more about very soon), I’ve been working with WP e-Commerce and having a tonne of fun dealing with all the bits and pieces. In general, it has been quite handy, since it has meant I don’t have to deal with implementing all the payment handling and such. However, it does have its issues, including a fairly horrible API.
WPEC is also quite a bit inefficient, due in part to its customisability. However, it’s definitely nothing insurmountable with a bit of code and some clever tricks.
Note: I’ll be using code from 4.0-dev in examples, but it should all be the same for the latest stable version as well.
So, with all of that out of the way, let’s get started. First step in optimising anything in WordPress is to turn WP_DEBUG
on. We’ll also want to turn SAVEQUERIES
on so that we can see what exactly is getting queried. The Debug Bar plugin will also help to view the results of these.
To start off with, here’s the MySQL queries that were generated by WPEC for me on a non-WPEC page:
SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_timeout_wpsc_theme_path' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_wpsc_theme_path' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = 'wpsc_replace_page_title' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = 'wpsc_hide_featured_products' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = 'base_zipcode' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = 'wpsc_ups_settings' LIMIT 1 SELECT post_name FROM `wpstore_posts` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[productspage]%' AND `post_type` = 'page' LIMIT 1 SELECT post_name FROM `wpstore_posts` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[shoppingcart]%' AND `post_type` = 'page' LIMIT 1 SELECT post_name FROM `wpstore_posts` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[transactionresults]%' AND `post_type` = 'page' LIMIT 1 SELECT post_name FROM `wpstore_posts` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[userlog]%' AND `post_type` = 'page' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_timeout_wpsc_url_wpsc-default.css' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_wpsc_url_wpsc-default.css' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = 'google_server_type' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = 'google_cur' LIMIT 1
That’s 14 queries for essentially nothing! Even worse are the four fulltext queries to find those shortcodes. Surely we can do better.
So, let’s start cutting pieces out. The first part that concerned me was the two google_
queries, as I’m not using Checkout. As it turns out, the Google Checkout plugin does all sorts of stuff even if it’s not loaded. This is not something we want. However, this is easy to fix. WPEC loads everything in the wpsc-merchants/
directory, but no other code relies on these merchants, so simply remove the ones you don’t need. We’re using Brent Shepherd’s PayPal Digital Goods payment gateway (which hopefully will make it into WPEC 4.0). This gateway uses the new 4.0 merchant gateway classes, so we don’t actually need anything in wpsc-merchants/
. Before you remove all the files though, note that a blank directory will cause errors, so leave testmode.merchant.php
to avoid this.
Right, we’re now down to 12 queries. Next job, cutting out the shipping information. Both base_zipcode
and wpsc_ups_settings
are being loaded, despite no shipping handlers being activated. As our store is purely virtual goods, we don’t need any of the shipping items, so we’ll do as before and remove them all. Be wary of the blank directory issue though, and leave at least one file in there (I chose flatrate.php
OK, 10 queries! We’re making great progress. Next step is wpsc_replace_page_title
and wpsc_hide_featured_products
. Go into the presentation tab of your settings and resave, and this should save these to the database and set the autoload property, causing them to be loaded in the initial WordPress settings query. However, I noticed this was not happening on our server (I suspect that if they are set to off, they simply aren’t being saved), so I hardcoded them in the theme:
// pre_option_$x doesn't like false, so return 0 instead add_filter('pre_option_wpsc_replace_page_title', '__return_zero'); add_filter('pre_option_wpsc_hide_featured_products', '__return_zero');
Of course, if you want to enable them, you should use '__return_true'
here instead, however the settings page should work for this.
By now, we should be down to the following 8 queries:
SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_timeout_wpsc_theme_path' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_wpsc_theme_path' LIMIT 1 SELECT post_name FROM `wpstore_posts` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[productspage]%' AND `post_type` = 'page' LIMIT 1 SELECT post_name FROM `wpstore_posts` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[shoppingcart]%' AND `post_type` = 'page' LIMIT 1 SELECT post_name FROM `wpstore_posts` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[transactionresults]%' AND `post_type` = 'page' LIMIT 1 SELECT post_name FROM `wpstore_posts` WHERE `post_content` LIKE '%[userlog]%' AND `post_type` = 'page' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_timeout_wpsc_url_wpsc-default.css' LIMIT 1 SELECT option_value FROM wpstore_options WHERE option_name = '_transient_wpsc_url_wpsc-default.css' LIMIT 1
So, first, let’s look at those transients. These transients work by caching where the WPEC theme files exist, to avoid having to check the stylesheet directory, then the template directory, then the default WPEC directory. There are two options to changing this: you can either head into your MySQL database and set the autoload
value for these options to yes
, or simply hardcode it. Personally, I know where these files are always going to live, so I went with hardcoding:
add_filter('pre_transient_wpsc_theme_path', array(__CLASS__, 'hardcode_wpsc_theme_path')); add_filter('pre_transient_wpsc_url_wpsc-default.css', array(__CLASS__, 'hardcode_wpsc_theme_url')); public function rm_hardcode_wpsc_theme_path($value) { return WPSC_CORE_THEME_PATH; } public function rm_hardcode_wpsc_theme_url($value) { return get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/wpsc-default.css'; }
We’ve now hardcoded most things and we’re down to four queries: the shortcode queries. Why does WPEC even need to look these up? Well, in order to create URLs for products, WPEC needs to know the base URL, which is set to the page where your productspage
shortcode is set. There’s no easy way to get these, so it has to do a LIKE query across all of your pages. Doing this on each page load is a huge strain though (there is a bug filed about this though, so the developers are aware), especially given that we’re not going to be changing this often.
My favourite way to do this, as you may have noticed, is to hardcode it. Unfortunately, there are no filters on this, so you’ll need a custom patch to WPEC to add support for this. Essentially what the patch does is allow the page names to be set previously. I personally think that wp-config.php
is the best place for these to live, but it’s your choice on where it is. Here’s what your code should look like:
global $wpsc_page_titles; $wpsc_page_titles = array( 'products' => 'store', 'checkout' => 'checkout', 'transaction_results' => 'transaction-results', 'userlog' => 'your-account', );
(The values should be set to the slug for each page respectively.)
Voilà , we’re down to zero queries from WPEC! This should minimise any extra stress on your MySQL server when it’s really not needed.
Sidenote: Some of these inefficiencies can be patched in WPEC, while others can’t be, due to the nature of hardcoding them. For those that can be patched, I’ll be attempting to work with the WPEC team to help them fix it. A quick site benefits everyone. 🙂
Edit: WordPress has __return_zero()
built-in, thanks Rarst.
A Huge Platypus, and His Journeys Around India
A friend of mine is in India at the moment and keeping a record of his travels on Tumblr. It’s a great read, and I’m insanely jealous of him.
IntenseDebate Is No More!
I’ve finally had time to redo some of the styling for this site, so I’ve given comments a makeover and switched back to WordPress’s comment system. Initially, I used IntenseDebate to avoid having to style the comments. It was a good idea, but unfortunately I never got the motivation to finish it off.